It has been revealed that the recession has had a major impact upon the working environment in Britain, with more flexible working than ever before. For those wanting work, and recruitment agencies finding staff for clients, the UK’s new flexible working opportunities are set to continue for some time.
It was revealed by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) that the recession may have left one positive legacy: that of flexible work options. Under these circumstances, employees are not kept to a rigid work structure and are instead allowed to utilise days off and working from home to complete their work requirements. As a result, the REC found that staff moral grew, as did productivity.
Talking of the changes and the important impact that flexible work has had on Britain, David Frost, the REC’s Flexible Work Commission’s head, said that unemployment, whilst at 2.5 million, was significantly under levels that were noted during previous downturns. “A key reason for this is that business has adopted a range of flexible working practices that have enabled them not only to sustain their companies but also, and importantly, to hold on to their employees. This flexibility was not seen in previous downturns,” he added.
The change in work trends will be important for recruitment agencies, which may well see such trends on new job requirements both from employers and those searching out work. With the change looking to be a positive legacy from the recession, it is hoped that it will continue for many years to come.
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