Whether you are looking to sell a product or a job vacancy, getting advertising right is vital and the key to the success of any campaign is getting the right ad in the right place at the right time. If you get the place or the time wrong for your ad, you might find your company struggling to fill that vacancy so just what can be done about it?
1. Time – you need to be making sure that your ad reaches a potential employee when they are making a decision about changing careers or are researching the market. This will give you the best possible results. When a potential candidate is looking, they are testing the waters to see which companies might offer a good fit. Of course, knowing when this time occurs is the tricky part.
2. Place – Go where you think the candidates are going to be, do not use a scattergun approach for your ads, and try to target them by location. Make sure your ads are on relevant sites such as job boards and with recruitment agencies, that way you know that they people who are viewing your ads are people who are looking for employment or a change of career.
The last thing you want is your ads to be associated with an irrelevant market, so by ensuring that it is located in both the right place at the right time will not only enhance your reputation as a serious recruiter but it will also increase your chances of finding the right employee.
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