Employees who you consider to be the best are the ones who often come far in between. Finding those employees and keeping hold of them is so important to your business and it’s success. As an employer, you need to ensure that you recognise what qualities your best staff have. By finding out those qualities you can cater to them, reward them when appropriate and know what to look for when recruiting. So what are the top attributes to look for in your best employees?
1. Self-motivated – A good employee comes in and is ready to work as soon as they step foot in the office. They take tasks within their stride and will work hard to deadlines. Self-motivated staff are less likely to slack-off during the day and instead put their efforts in completing their workload.
2. Hard worker – Though many people claim they work hard in a job interview, some in actual fact don’t. Finding employees who put a lot of effort into their work, instead of relying on “getting by”, are valuable to your team.
3. Honesty – Being truthful and admitting a mistake can be tough for many people. However, in order to build a strong relationship with your employees you need honesty. Those who can own up to mistakes and take responsibility are valuable to your business. Instead of covering up their mistake or passing blame they will look for ways to fix it instead.
4. Politeness –. Co-workers will feel more comfortable going to employees who are friendly and approachable. This is important in building work relationships amongst workers, which will build a healthier team of people who are willing to help one another. Furthermore, polite employees will also make a good impression to clients and those they may meet at an event. Those employees are representing your business; so being friendly and polite goes along way.
5. Team player – An employee who can work individually and as part of the team is vital in getting the best out of your staff. How an employee works in a team shows how they share information, interact with others and how they help solve problems will show you what sort of worker they are.
6. Leadership – This is an essential skill as it shows that they can lead themselves and others. It shows they can take responsibility for things that don’t go to plan and what they plan to do to rectify errors. It shows that they have confidence and do not need to be spoon-fed in order to do their job.
7. Initiative – Being able to work out what they have to do without being told constantly is also a great attribute to look out for. An employee who twiddles their thumbs when they have “nothing” to do isn’t helpful in growing your business. Workers who are able to come up with things to do rather than waiting to be told is key in helping develop your business and ensuring productivity levels are high.
8. Management skills – Staff who stick to deadlines and are organised help ensure your business runs smoothly. Employees who keep on top of their tasks and ensure they complete tasks in time for their deadline are ones to keep hold of.
9. Ambitious –Employees who are stuck in their ways won’t help your business grow. Those who aren’t welcoming to new ideas, projects, processes and tasks only contribute to holding your business back. That’s why employees who are willing to learn are valuable to your business. They are more likely to make suggestions on improving your company and will want to execute those ideas. This shows they are committed in helping your business grow and succeed.
10. Likable – To help build a great working atmosphere, you want employees who are friendly, easy going and cooperative to others. Having an employee who you don’t particularly like can be damaging to your business. It could cause conflict or tendencies to avoid corresponding with them. Having staff you enjoy the company of created better relationships.
Finding and keeping hold of staff who carry all or most of the above traits is tough. However, once you have recognised which employees are the best in your business will help you grow a successful business.
What key attributes does your best employees have? We’d love to hear about them and how they benefit your business:
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