Don’t lose track of your applicants, use our Thumb rankings to help you filter candidates.
Thumb Rankings are located in the top left side of the job application or at the bottom on a mobile device. Filter the applicants you like from those you are not going to progress with ease.
Thumb rankings allow you to rank applicants into:
· Thumbs-up (aka good)
· Thumbs-maybe (aka undecided)
· Thumbs-down (aka unsuccessful)
Ranking applicants as ‘Thumbs down’ (aka unsuccessful) will remove the applicants you do not want to progress so you can focus on those that are suitable. This also enables you to send a ‘you’ve been unsuccessful’ email to the applicant, which they will appreciate. It’s always better to respond to an applicant than not at all.
If the applicant has registered a job seeker account they will be able to see they have been unsuccessful themselves. Your details are kept confidential so you can change your mind later if you want, and because they don’t know who you are the risk to your reputation is low.
Genius Tip:
When reviewing applicants rank them immediately as it will help you focus on the most appropriate applicants. Plus you can always change your mind later.
As featured in