When you consider that 27 per cent of emails are now opened on a mobile device, it makes no sense to target social networking in a bid to recruit staff without making sure that it is optimised for use on these mobile devices. Sending out emails with links to jobs is a great way of getting interest and a high level of responses to jobs currently being advertised by your recruitment agency but if the user then clicks on the link and is taken to a site that is not mobile-friendly, you might just have lost a potential candidate.
Firstly, you should ask yourself if you are sending out emails with links to jobs. If the answer is no then move this to the top of your ‘must do’ pile. Then check the information contained in the email. It should give enough information so that the person reading it will know general details of the job but not enough that they will not have to click the link. Driving traffic is also the goal here because you want people to go to your site.
Next, make sure that your website is mobile optimised or that it has a mobile app. If it is not mobile optimised, you will end up frustrating people who will most likely unsubscribe or simply ignore your emails in future.
With statistics showing that 63 percent of people have searched for a job using their mobile device, is this a slice of the market that you can afford to do without?
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