Britain’s rising energy needs are an ongoing debate, and the government is doing all it can to ensure that there is enough power for the UK’s future. This means that tax incentives have been offered to North Sea oil rig operations, in addition to looking towards renewable energy as the next big thing. With an expected £25bn to be invested in this market over the next five years, recruitment agencies will note growing demand for energy professionals.
Between 2013 and 2017, the government is expecting £20bn to £25bn to be invested into renewable energy as companies build bigger, better and newer platforms to create power. The investment is likely to see a huge number of new facilities built, all of which will create jobs for British workers.
The Energy and Climate Change secretary of state, Edward Davey, said that the renewable energy sector is an up and coming market which workers would do well to get in with. “Renewable energy will create a multi-billion pound boom for the British economy, driving growth and supporting jobs across the country. The support we’re setting out today will unlock investment decisions, help ensure that rapid growth in renewable energy continues and shows the key role of renewables for our energy security,” he revealed.
For recruitment agencies looking to new sectors in which to place workers, the renewable energy market will become very important. For agents wanting the best success, finding energy professionals now will mean that increased future demand can be kept up with.
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