Online recruitment specialist, Recruitment Genius, has been shortlisted in the ‘Most Promising NewBusiness’ category of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Awards.
Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce is a business network covering an area of Kent encompassingAshford, Canterbury, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells. The InvictaChamber of Commerce Business Awards are open to all Members of Kent Invicta Chamber aswell as all non-Members within the Chamber’s geographical trading area of Ashford, Canterbury,Maidstone and West Kent. The Most Promising New Business category, sponsored by HSBC, is opento businesses who have been trading for three years or less and, as the name suggests, aims toidentify those businesses which have the focus and potential to succeed in today’s tough economicclimate.
Recruitment Genius hit the ground running with its innovative recruitment model which enablesbusinesses to cost effectively recruit staff for fixed-fee of only £199. This ‘Genius’ model has not onlyreceived considerable interest and support from businesses in the Kent region and across the UK asa whole it has also attracted global interest. The concept can be easily applied to a range of rolesand geographic locations as business, regardless of their focus, have the common desire to recruitthe right staff cost effectively. The secret of its success is that it utilises high-end technology andcombines it with the skill and expertise of a highly skilled and knowledgeable team which are basedin Sevenoaks, Kent.
The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Awards winners will be announced on the 23rd March 2011.
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