Recruitment agencies with a number of short-term contractors on their books are set to see an increase in the number of job opportunities available. A new study of freelancers showed growing optimism for the temporary work sector, with the majority of those asked predicting that the future would offer many lucrative prospects.
In a survey of over 1,000 contractors it was shown that, whilst the majority of freelancers wished for the employee perks that their permanent working counterparts enjoy, they would not give up the flexibility and freedom offered by contracting. Meanwhile, 35.2% of those questioned said that they would happily travel 100 miles for the right job, whilst 16% said that they would commute between 50 and 100 miles if the contract was good enough. This, in itself, could broaden the job offerings provided to workers by recruiters.
Other data indicated that contractors are also in a better financial position than many permanent workers, with 19.4% of respondents saying that they could maintain their current lifestyle for over 12 months even if they became unemployed.
The news will indicate to recruitment agencies that contractor confidence is high, which is a positive indicator for the jobs market. This is likely to lead to a higher number of freelancers searching for jobs, with recruiters able to offer skilled candidates the right employment options. With freelancers confident of the months ahead, it will be hoped that the job prospects will fulfil the high expectations.
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