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Rise In Temporary Job Vacancies

Recruitment agencies are set to be increasingly asked for temporary workers after new figures revealed that short-term contracts continue to…

How big is your talent pool?

Have you ever wondered how many people are actually available to work for your company? Find out by simply answering…

Recruiters Could See More Contractors As Salaries Fall

It has been revealed that many industry salary rates have fallen, meaning that recruitment agencies may see an increased number…

Why should you show salary in your job advert ?

A recent report on grabbed our attention with its headline “50% of UK job ads don’t include salary.” The…

Are you a control-orientated or a wealth-orientated founder ?

Find out if you a control-orientated or a wealth-orientated founder so that you can set appropriate recruitment goals for your…

Employment Professionals Look To Mobile Options

One of the most important aspects of finding suitable people seeking employment is making use of mobile options.

New Investment Bill To Support Increased Employment

Recruitment agencies and unemployed individuals across the UK will welcome news of a new bill that is set to increase…

British Employment To Benefit From Big Data Boost

It has been revealed that many of Britain’s skilled IT workers can expect a huge variety of new jobs stemming…

Legal issues of office Christmas parties all wrapped up

The office Christmas party. A time for festivities, fun and memorable moments… sometimes for all the wrong reasons. Notorious for…

Work Trends Change In The UK Post-Recession

It has been revealed that the recession has had a major impact upon the working environment in Britain, with more…

Employment Prospects To Benefit From New Broadband Investment

There is currently a lot of investment being made in the broadband industry, with the government wanting to offer access…

Recruiters Look To Scotland’s Burgeoning Digital Sector For Jobs

Ministers in Scotland have revealed that the nation’s burgeoning digital sector is to create thousands of new employment opportunities. The…

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