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Employee Reputation

Employees most definitely want to have a good reputation in their working environment. An employer’s duty is to make sure…

How to Rehire Redundant Employees without the Catches

Rehiring redundant employees can be a very quick and sensible process but there are certain legal issues that should be…

Recruiter Magazine: Soap Box – Don’t Believe The Social Media Hype

31 March 2010: Online recruitment expert and chief executive of Recruitment Genius, Geoff Newman, was recently requested to comment in…

Recruiter Magazine: Recruit Socially But Responsibly

31 March 2010: Following last weeks first Midlands Recruitment Society Forum in Birmingham, Geoff Newman (chief executive of Recruitment Genius)…

How to Have Difficult Conversations with Staff

It is the duty of HR to resolve employee’s issues and turn around a difficult conversation into a constructive and…

The New Paternity Leave

New paternity benefits will be available next year, allowing men to take up to 26 weeks, 6 months, extra paternity…

How to Manage Staff with Thwarted Ambitions

Discover every single step that should be taken to ensure that employees are motivated to work hard.

Revamp Your Hiring with the Recruitment Revolution

Revolutionise Your Hiring: The Surprising Benefits of Flat Fee Recruiters!

Why the Recruitment Revolution is Essential for Your Business

Innovative Strategies for the Recruitment Revolution

What is Shortlist+ and how to use it!

Shortlist+ is an automated telephone screening tool. It allows you to hear candidates answering your questions without meeting them. Simply…

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