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Women Earn More Than Men

The results of Grazia magazine’s Woman and Work survey identified how flexibility is the key in today’s modern household and…

Recent Spike in Unemployment – But Is It All Doom And Gloom?

Recruitment Genius do a survey on the rise in unemployment and discover who's been effected by the recent spike.

Recruitment process to benefit from employment law amendments

Employers across the UK are expected to hone their recruitment processes even more than they already are in a bid…

Are We Missing Out on HR Outsourcing Potential?

The recession’s tag-line of improved performance and reduced costs should have made it the ideal time for Human Resource Outsourcing…

Companions in Disciplinary and Grievance Meetings

There are often queries regarding when companions can come to disciplinary or grievance meetings and when not.

How the New Bribery Act will Affect Employers

The update of the law covering acts of bribery will mean the inclusion of new offences that employers will need…

Surviving a Downturn

As the press is filled with stories about the economic crisis, it’s very easy to see why Human Resourcing departments…

A Disciplinary under the New ACAS Code

The way in which employers handle potential disciplinary situations may have to change, given the revision of the ACAS code…

Law Changes Resolving Disputes

Changes in the law from April 2009 and onwards have included the last installment of statutory holiday increases, the repeal…

Being an Effective Facilitator

Facilitation is an important skill for managers, but unfortunately so often it is done poorly. Discover how to be an…

Holiday Entitlement

Recent Tribunal rulings have given the right to employees to take paid holidays next year if they were unable to…

Losing Data with Employees

Employees who leave organisations unwillingly may feel inclined to take something valuable with them. But an exit management policy that…

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