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Friends Carry Recruitment Value

A recent survey has shown that when it comes to finding reliable employment, it might still hold true that it…

Recruiting Staff in a Recession

With the economy once again on uncertain ground, companies that were expanding are now firmly back in redundancy mode, risking…

Recruitment in UK Solar Industry Surges

Recruitment in the UK's burgeoning solar technology industry has swelled significantly in the first quarter of 2011, with the Feed…

Survey Provides Varied Results of Online Recruitment

New statistics have shown that more needs to be done to encourage the increasing number of people using professional networks,…

UK Undergoing ‘Two-Speed’ Recruitment Revolution

Recruitment in the UK has developed into a 'two-speed' market, according to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC).

Workplace Discrimination Law, 10 Things You Must Know

Guidance on interpreting the Equality Act 2010

Full Benefits Package Must Be Revealed During Recruitment Process

Companies looking to recruit new personnel are being advised to make the full employment package clear to potential employees, some…

Job Hunters Not Making Use of Social Media

According to the latest Kelly Global Workforce Index, whilst people are increasingly turning to online recruitment, many are not making…

PwC Graduate Recruitment Highest Ever

PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accountancy firm, has recruited its highest ever number of graduates this month. The firm has taken on 209 graduates…

Mobile Recruitment to Take Off in Coming Year

The role of smartphones in electronic and online recruitment is likely to develop into creating an "emotional" attachment to employer…

Social Media in Online Recruitment Increasingly in Popularity

The rise in online recruitment through social networks is thought to have significantly contributed to the recent rise of sites…

Saudi Utilities Company Adopts Online Recruitment System

A major Saudi Arabian utilities body has launched an exclusively online recruitment portal to allow jobs seekers from across the…

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