The latest online employment index on job opportunities in the UK and Ireland has shown a year-on-year rise of 14 per cent for the first quarter of the year.
The Monster Employment Index (MEI) for the British Isles showed a relatively meagre one per cent monthly rise in opportunities posted online in April, but the annual trend showed the enormous strides the UK job market has made in the last year.
The sectors where employment opportunities are most easy to come by include the engineering industry and IT sector, as engineers saw a dramatic month-on-month rise of 33 per cent, with IT following closely behind with 30 per cent.
The breakdown of the figures by region found that people living in the south-west of England and in East Anglia had experienced the greatest rise in job opportunities available to them.
Monster UK & Ireland spokeswoman, Isabelle Ratinaud, said, “The results from April’s MEI indicate a slight, but sustained improvement in the overall UK job market. Though public sector opportunities continue to decline in line with reduced public spending, there are many industry sectors that are demonstrating ongoing, increasing job demand.
One company already experiencing this increased employment activity is online recruiter Recruitment Genius. Chief executive Geoff Newman believes these figures match the overall market sentiment.
“Across every sector we have seen confidence restored as they begin to recruit staff. Interestingly we have also noticed an increase in employees leaving their current employers as they have less fears about job insecurity.
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