A new, low-cost e-recruitment system has been launched for British universities looking to pick out the best of British academics for their staff.
Jobs.ac.uk, which has been the main forum for careers in academia, research, science and related professions since 1998, is launching the Applicant Tracking System in order to allow universities to carry out their entire recruitment process online.
The director of jobs.ac.uk, Maddie Langeveld, said it was an exciting new project: “It will help us to bring to universities the enormous benefits of e-Recruitment software at a fraction of the cost of a fully implemented system.”
The new system will help with the cost-cutting and dwindling funding that all educational institutions are experiencing at the moment. It will deliver huge resource efficiencies and provide a better recruitment experience for candidates.
The system was developed through consultation with 15 different British universities, all of which contributed input regarding existing recruitment processes. It uses a ‘pay for what you use’ model, which allows for universities to move away from inefficient paper-based recruitment models.
Geoff Newman, Chief Executive of e-recruitment company Recruitment Genius said “It’s no surprise the education sector is having to become more efficient now their budgets have been slashed. More effective online recruitment methods are an obvious choice that many employers are embracing, I hope the universities derive similar results.
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