Luton Airport has announced substantial expansion plans that will require the recruitment of as many as 6,000 new workers from the South Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire region.
The airport and Luton Borough Council have been examining ways to expand the airport and increase the region’s employment opportunities for more than 18 months. They unveiled plans yesterday that would see annual passenger footfall rise from 10 million at the moment to up to 18 million.
Councillor Robin Harris, from Luton Borough Council, said that they had already carried out substantial research into their options, but would be consulting with local communities at every step of the way.
“We’re at the very beginning of a journey that builds on the tremendous success we have seen through the last decade and will ultimately bring huge benefits to Luton and the wider region – with jobs and much needed income,” Mr Harris explained. “The benefits that will flow from the airport’s development will be realised in the local, regional and national economies.”
It is thought that the airport is looking to expand its low-cost carrier services significantly. The airport is the headquarters of easyJet and is also very popular with Ryanair. Its fast train links to London are also likely to encourage its use as an airport for business travel.
Geoff Newman from Recruitment Genius has noticed a significant increase in jobs due to infrastructure projects.
“A vast majority of jobs have been created, or are expected to be created, because of new investments in infrastructure. Whether it is a new dock and airport in the Thames Estuary, the proposed HS2 and the recently completed high speed rail link in Kent, Britain has a lot of talented individuals ready to keep Britain moving. Importantly these investments lead to long-term job creation and are valuable assets.”
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