Valentine’s is the day we are most expected to express our love. This year why not use this as an opportunity to implement some Valentines traditions in the office? Without over-stepping the mark, you could celebrate February 14th and make the day much more enjoyable.
Instead of a dozen red roses…
Give each member of staff a scratch card, a bottle of their favourite wine or a voucher. Leave it on their desk ready for when they arrive to work. Giving them an unexpected gift will no only surprise them but will also set the precedent of a good working day.
Swap writing a Valentine’s card…
And write a note of praise instead. Use this as an opportunity to show your gratitude for their hardwork. You could send an email or leave a post-it note on their desk. Sometimes colleagues need a little reminder that they are valued. By doing this, it shows you notice how hard they work and that you value them as an employee. They will be really touched that you have taken time to do this.
An alternative to a box of chocolates…
Buying cupcakes, cookies and chocolate is an affordable way to treat staff. You could do a quick supermarket dash in the morning and buy a range of sweets and baked goods for team members to indulge in. Alternatively you could ask each member what piece of chocolate or packet of crisps they really fancy and go buy it. This little gesture will go along way.
Substitute a dinner date…
And take staff out for a team lunch instead. You could even let them choose the restaurant. Or order in food such as pizza and spend lunchtime together. This is a great opportunity for employees to interact and relax for an hour or so. It will help build a stronger working team plus it brightens everyone’s day.
Instead of buying jewellery…
Why not suggest the team collaborates together and donates money to a chosen charity. You could encourage a sponsored dress-down or Valentine’s Day themed competitions. This is a great team building exercise where employees are working together to help others. Fun activities will help boost office morale and make the workplace a happy place to be.
Replace flutes of champagne…
When it gets to 3.30 and staff are finding it a struggle to motivate themselves – why not make them a cup of tea? You could even do a coffee run to give employees a little ‘pick-me up’. Not only will they be grateful for the offer, they could find the afternoon has just gotten easier to plough through.
Instead of rushing home to get ready for a big date…
You could let staff finish a bit earlier. Most employees love the surprise of being told they can leave work before the end of their shift. The stress of rushing to get home on a Friday evening is diminished and employees automatically feel even happier.
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