Jaguar Land Rover has been voted the company with the best handle on their online recruitment process, in a survey of more than 15,000 graduate employees.
The poll, carried out by the Trendence Institute, aimed to judge the companies in the UK with the best graduate recruitment process, ranking them according to industry and according to specific areas of expertise. It was carried out as part of the selection process for the TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards.
Jaguar Land Rover polled the greatest number of votes when the graduates were asked which company they thought had the best graduate recruitment website. The best overall employer of the year was voted to be power and gas company E.ON.
The 28 awards were presented last Thursday, in front of more than 900 gathered nominees and industry guests at an event at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel.
The survey also found that companies are putting greater and greater importance on work experience and whether or not a candidate has carried out an internship or not during university holidays or as part of a degree.
From the students’ perspective, it was found that undergraduates are starting to expect more in the way of practical training and experience from their degrees, in order both to give them a leg up onto the career ladder when they graduate and to justify the steadily increasing fees universities have been charging -which they plan to ramp up even more next year.
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