Did you know there are over one hundred job boards online, specialising in all different geographical and competency areas? No wonder over 90% of job seekers search for offers on the Internet before searching anywhere else! But looking for the ideal candidate in a sea of job boards can be daunting… Using “applicant logic” instead of “company logic” will help you find out exactly where they are.
Your candidate is not looking for the best deal !
Unfortunately, recruiters with all the right intentions can make costly mistakes. Because there are so many online job boards, it is very difficult to make a choice. Therefore, business minded recruiters tend to look at their options with “company logic”. This means doing what seems best for your business, without taking into consideration that your ideal candidate could be somewhere unexpected.
Choosing to work with a job board because thye have worked together before, for instance, can be a classic error. Job boards are highly dependant on search engines, meaning results change constantly. There is no guarantee you will get the same running twice.
“Special offers” can also be a recruiter’s enemy. Free trials and discounts are attractive when you consider your business’s restricted budget. However, just because you paid less for your advert, does not mean the right person will see it! Remember every day spent looking for your new employee is a loss of money you could be making – add that to the equation and you might be able to stretch that extra mile to find the right person for your company.
Finally, never forget you need result, however good the offer. Just because an industry-leading publication has tagged a job board page to their site – probably hoping to attract more visitors and boost their stats – doesn’t mean they are able to find the right workforce for you. Don’t be blinded by big names if all they are doing is selling advertising space. Remember you need to work with someone who will promote your position to the right person – full stop!
Think like a candidate, find your candidate.
If by now you are feeling lost, do not fret! There ARE ways to find your candidate online and easy ways at that. It is simply a matter of changing the way you look at things. What we like to call recruiting with “applicant logic” is the ideal way to find the right person for your company – and it’s as simple as it sounds!
Start by thinking about the keywords your candidate will be using to look for his/her ideal job. Keep in mind that 70% of searches will include location. Considering keywords is also where the importance of a good job title comes in. Make sure your offer matches your candidate’s demand!
When you have had a look through the job boards available online for those keywords, it is time to do some extra research. Find out how the job boards you have found actually function. How many email alerts do they send out? How do they stock candidates’ information and how many recruiters do they share it with? What filtering service do these boards have to offer? We give a lot more detail on things to look for in a job board in our free guide to choosing the best online job boards.
Finally, when you have a good idea of which job boards meet your needs and expectations, it is time to purchase that space. Negotiating is a huge part of this and YES it will take time. But finding the ideal candidate for the lowest price is what will make your recruitment procedure a success.
We hope these ideas help you find the ideal person for your company – remember our guide to choosing the best job boards is available for free download and will give you lots of extra information on how to go about your search.
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