There are many important processes to go through when looking to recruit new staff. Before you even get to shortlisting and interviewing candidates, you need to write an effective job description. The job description is the first step to finding the best staff available for your business. Your job description is the one thing a candidate will use to decide whether or not your job position is for them. You don’t want to risk losing a great candidate who ticks all the boxes just because you didn’t win them over with the job description. That’s why we have taken the help you get the right candidates to apply for your job.
Use a searchable job title
In order for your job to be found in searches, you need to have a generic job title. It needs to be about the main role of the job you are advertising. When choosing a job title, do not be too vague or too specific either. We recommend creating a job title that clearly states the job role and the level. For example, a good job title to go could be ‘Marketing Assistant’ or ‘Trainee Graphic Designer’. By creating an accurate job title you will help ensure your position is found in keyword searches.
Explain duties clearly
The next step is to write a description of the duties and responsibilities that come with the job. They should be a few sentences in length and should be outcome-based, describing and action, object and purpose. Explain clearly what is expected from them in the role and how it will contribute to your business. Be totally honest with what the new recruit will have to do, don’t leave anything out. By doing this the applicant will have no nasty surprises if they accept an offer to work for you.
List skills, competences and qualifications needed
When writing the list of skills and competences that you are looking for in an employee, it is best to do so separately. This is because they are two separate things that both need to be explained effectively. Skills are what a candidate has which they have learned in the past or though qualifications. This could be use of a specific programme or a degree. Whereas competencies are the traits that you would expect a candidate to have in a particular role. An example of this could be leadership or self-motivation.
When writing the list of skills, be concise and clear on what skills are essential and what ones are desirable. State if you require a minimum level of experience and be sure to include if applicants need to have a degree. When talking about competences, look at your employees as a whole to determine what ones are most important. If your best employees are self-motivated and flexible, then state you are looking for someone with those attributes. That way you are more likely to get the right candidates to apply for your job.
Include who they will be reporting to
It is important to include who the candidate will need to report to and what working relationships they will have. Stating who candidates would have to report and who would report to clarifies their responsibilities of the position. This helps understanding regarding any compliance issues and also gives insights to the hierarchical structure of the company and how their job fits into it. You should state who the person will have to work closely with and size of the department. This way the applicants know exactly what their position is, who they are supporting, working for or managing.
Talk about your company
Inform job seekers about what your company is truly like. Is it fast-paced, growing or a fun place to work? Though it may be best not to include your company name in your adverts, it is worth giving a sense about what your company is like. Let them know which industry your company is in, company size and where it is located. You could talk about your values too in order to give job seekers a good impression. The better the impression, the more applicants you could get.
Mention the benefits you offer
Does your company offer great career opportunities? How much holiday are staff given? Do you provide onsite parking? If your company has any of those benefits or has other ones then make sure you include them in your job advert. You want the best applicant to apply to your jobs over your competitors. So if you offer any company perks, ensure you talk about them.
Important details to include
Ensure that you are clear and honest with each applicant who applies for the job. In your job advertisement it is so important to let them know if the job in contracted, temporary or permanent. You should also let applicant know if the job is part-time or fulltime. These are essential details that job seekers look for when applying for a job. In order to not waste your or your applicants time, be upfront and honest about the position available.
Include a salary
Job adverts that do not state a salary can cause unease amongst candidates. Generally speaking, candidates want to know what the salary is for each job they search for in order to base their decision on their applications. That’s why we recommend always stating a salary on positions you advertise for. When determining a salary, do your research and see what your competitors are offering. You could either state on set salary or include a salary range that varies on experience. Furthermore you could state if the job itself is competitive and allows for career progression or pay rises.
Writing a job advertisement is a time-consuming process, yet essential for recruiting the right people. A compelling, honest and effective job description is so important in attracting candidates. By following these steps you will help ensure that your recruitment process starts off on the right foot. You want to attract and entice candidates who are suitable and excited about the idea of your company.
What are the most important steps you take in attracting the right candidates to your jobs? We would love to hear them:
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