When it comes to recruitment using social media, a number of myths have sprung up that are discouraging companies from embracing the medium as a way of finding the best talent available.
Social media has experienced what can only be described as a meteoric rise in popularity and usage over the past 10 years, and here are the top myths that surround it:
It’s all about follows and likes
When it comes to social media people get lost on the idea of quantity, more likes, more follows, and lose sight of the fact that what really matters is the quality. One quality follower who engages with your company is worth far more than 200 random people who do not care.
It is free
While signing up for a social media site costs nothing in terms of monetary outlay, when it comes to developing an effective strategy that works, it pays to hire experts to help if you are unsure what you are doing. On top of that it will cost you time to actively engage with your network in a way that brings results.
Wing it
Social media is not something you should figure out as you go along. Your company should have a clear strategy with goals in place and these followed.
Social media can generate awareness, enhance a company’s image, and deliver the best in available talent to your computer screen. Use it wisely.
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