Many employers are looking for new and enticing ways to attract and motivate employees with a range of perks. Whilst not all companies can be as generous as Google who provide staff with free on-site haircuts and laundrettes, there are other ways to treat your staff. Below we have listed a few alternative perks to treat employees, increase productivity levels and build a positive working environment.
Having a foosball table, arcade machine or pool table are just a few great gaming perks for employees. As an employer, you should want your staff to still have fun when at work. By having games for employees to play throughout the day, you will find commitment and creativity levels rising. They also bring staff together who may not normally interact on a day-to-day basis. Spending time together whilst both working and ‘off the clock’ are key to creating company culture.
Friday treats
Offering staff free food is always appreciated and very popular. Some companies offer special weekly treats such as pizzas and doughnuts. You could implement your own ideas such as brining in baked goods, providing refreshments or hosting breakfast mornings. You could even promote healthy eating by providing fruit boxes for staff to enjoy.By offering these, departments all come together and have the chance to socialise, take a break from desks and connect over something good to eat.
Healthy living
You could offer gym memberships, hire a masseur, a weekly running club or have a yoga instructor come in once a week. For example, at Recruitment Genius we have our own company football team. These are not expensive to start and are especially great for new companies who are trying to prioritise employee health. By encouraging staff to get up out of their seats and moving their bodies you could see an array of benefits. These include a healthy bit of competition, adrenaline to be more productive and the release of good endorphins. All of this can help make the workplace a happier environment to be part of.
Christmas time off
For some employees, having time off over the Christmas period is a great perk. It means that they get to spend the holiday season relaxed and with the ones they love. No one really wants to be at work during that time and staff could be victim to the distractions Christmas can bring. This could cause a major decrease in productivity and motivation. By closing business for Christmas, staff will be more appreciative towards you and could work even harder on their return.
Dress-down Fridays
For many companies, they have introduced dress-down Fridays. Staff are allowed to take a break from their office attire and chose to wear a pair of jeans instead. This perk costs next to nothing to implement and have a generally positive effect on employees. Naturally you should set standards and expectations of what is appropriate for staff to wear. By having one day a week where staff can wear what you allow them to be themselves which in turn can boost creativity and happiness. This being a great benefit to your business and productivity levels.
Having perks in place can have a fantastic effect on your staff and for potential candidates when you are recruiting. Most perks will be greatly appreciated by staff whether they being big such as a gym membership or small such as free parking. It helps shows your employees that you genuinely care about them and value their work. When staff see that, they may pay you back by working to their full potential.
What great perks do you provide your staff with and what has been the benefit? Please leave a comment, as we would love to know.
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