A monthly gauge of online employment and job-posting activity has shown that there has been a one per cent rise when compared to figures from this time last year, although the index for the UK alone has remained static.
Within certain sectors, architecture and urbanism industries were leading the way when it came to new job postings, showing an impressive 17 per cent increase. The telecommunications sector posted a 13-point increase, closely followed by education, training, and library, which saw a 9-point jump. Real estate followed with a rise of 8 points while engineering showed a 6-point increase when it came to available jobs being posted online.
However, a number of sectors did show a decline, including PR and media as well as agriculture, fishing and forestry.
Although the UK remained static, this was not the case across the rest of Europe, with Germany continuing to lead the way and with Italy also seeing a rise. However, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden all saw a drop in the number of ads being posted online.
Speaking about the news, a spokesperson for a leading online recruitment company said: “The marked reduction in online recruitment recorded in June’s index is unsurprising, considering the current uncertainty of the wider economy. However, while recruitment demand is generally muted, over a third of industries continue to report annual growth, with a variety of opportunities across sectors including architectural, telecommunication and education.”
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