A new report has shown that the number of job vacancies available in the UK has risen across many industry sectors.
In England, 10 out of the 12 regions showed a growth in job availability and more companies advertising jobs. Employment rose in the education sector by 18 per cent, the charity and voluntary sector by 19 per cent while health and medicine saw the largest growth, recording a jump of 22 per cent in recruitment opportunities available.
An employment expert said of the news, “May proved to be a buoyant month for the jobs market, with encouraging national growth replicated across the vast majority of regions and sectors.”
“It is particularly interesting that the strongest growth has come from within the support services arena. Given the macroeconomic climate, the education, charity and health sectors are all facing significant pressures so the increase in opportunities in these areas is highly encouraging.”
Although the UK is technically still in a recession this announcement is leading experts to believe that there is a growing confidence amongst British employers.
The report, which is an index, is complied by analysing data from more than 10,000 recruiters throughout the UK and the job advertisements they have available. It also showed that there was no annual or monthly growth in national salaries across the UK; however, the fact that there was no dip was encouraging.
Figures are expected to increase further when the next index is released after the Jubilee Bank Holiday.
Geoff Newman, chief executive of web recruitment agency RecruitmentGenius.com is very upbeat about the UK’s job prospects. “It’s always difficult to objectively measure growth in jobs because our business is growing so quickly. For example in the month of May was our best ever month with vacancies up over 30%. Whilst we expect a slight drop in June due to the Jubilee and possibly July due to the Olympics, I expect employers to focus on recruitment again by September.”
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