A new survey has shown that individuals are increasingly looking for jobs that offer flexible schedules. Workers were polled on their wishes for office perks, with the results offering important insights for recruitment agencies wanting to showcase the best possible positions to potential employees.
Asking 449 adult employees, all of whom work in office environments, it was found that 41% thought that the best perk would be having a flexible schedule. Meanwhile, 28% said that being able to leave early on Fridays would be a huge job incentive, whilst 11% mentioned that work based activities, such as picnics, would help overall morale. Finally, 5% wanted a more relaxed dress code, whilst 7% offered other opinions and 9% did not know.
For people looking for employment, a similar poll that was provided to HR managers gave some positive feedback. Of the 515 HR managers questioned, 75% of respondents said that they were open to flexible schedules. Meanwhile, 63% said that there were already perks in place so that people could leave work early on Fridays if they opted into the work choice.
Recruitment expert Robert Hosking said: “Workers appreciate having more control over their schedules as they juggle personal and professional obligations. Organisations that don’t offer summer benefits in some form may be missing out on a way to increase employee morale and retention.” Mr Hosking added that flexible schedules should be arranged prior to being implemented to maximise efficiency. “It’s beneficial to stagger schedules and cross-train individuals so there’s always staff coverage. Conducting regular check-ins with team members who have alternate hours also helps keep projects on track,” he said.
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