Employees most definitely want to have a good reputation in their working environment. It is especially important to them because their whole career is based on their reputation, so if any damage is incurred to their reputation, they seek for compensation in the form of money, or in fact in any other way. But the truth is that once your reputation is damaged it cannot be compensated in financial terms at all. Reputation is far more valuable then money.
Employees who face a damaged reputation due to dismissal may be unable to seek compensation because such compensation is awarded on very rare occasions. An employer’s duty is to make sure that the employee’s reputation is not damaged whatever the situation is, and every possible action should be taken to avoid employees seeking for compensation. The grievance procedures and policies should be up to date, and the workers should be encouraged to follow those policies if they have any grievances. Every possible step should be taken to solve their problems regarding their reputation beforehand.
The company should follow a standard rule or policy for every single employee so that no one feels like they have been treated indifferently. The employer should remain neutral in every sort of situation and should be able to understand the grievance of the employee who is facing a damaged reputation. Many employees face unfair dismissal due to racial discrimination, which is quite unbearable for their reputation and many of such individuals face difficulties in finding jobs elsewhere because no other company wants to hire an employee who has a bad reputation.
It is very hard for an individual to prove that they have been sabotaged by their employers, and whenever he or she decides to claim against their employers for compensation of the damage that has been caused to their reputation, they must be able to prove the damage as well. Otherwise they would be at a loss with respect to their previous job and new job as well. Many individuals fail to prove their claims and remain empty-handed, so instead of winning their claims they end up losing everything they had, which damages their work reputation even more.
On the other hand it is an employer’s right to protect himself and the organisation from any claims made by an employee, because when an employee makes claims against an organisation then the whole organisation’s reputation is jeopardized and people then regard the organisation in a negative way. Therefore an employer should aim to take every possible action to minimize any successful claims made against him. Employers should train staff in a way that minimises any claims made in terms of damaged reputation, and if an employee faces issues then these must be addressed through a formal procedure.
Employees look for compensation when they are unable to find work because of their damaged reputation. They seek legal help to compensate their damages.
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