A comprehensive audit of recruiting policies, procedures, resources, internal staff should always be undertaken to identify strengths and weaknesses. We would broadly recommend the following:

Recruitment Procedure

  • How are details about the new requirement given to the HR department?
  • What documentation is required?
  • Who is needed to give authorisation?
  • What is the decision making process when deciding which recruiter should fill which requirement?
  • What administrative procedures are involved. For example advertising the vacancy, managing applications, coordinating interviews, offer/rejection letters etc.
  • How do you attract applications from candidates (naturally we would recommend Recruitment Genius!)?
  • How are candidates assessed to verifying their skills and qualifications?
  • How is the line manager involved in the recruitment process?
  • How are hiring decisions made? Importantly ensuring against discrimination and bias.
  • Who is authorised to make the final hiring decision?
  • Who takes care of references and background checks?
  • What timeframe KPIs should be set and how are they agreed with all stakeholders? 


  • What KPIs, SLAs and other metrics are you using to measure performance?
  • How much does your company rely on outside recruiters? Why are you using traditional recruitment services?
  • What would a candidate satisfaction survey reveal? Overall how happy would they be, where is there room for improvement?


  • What is your recruitment budget? If you have one is it sufficient and did HR have input in setting the budget?
  • Is money on recruitment being spent wisely? How is cost-effectiveness being measured?
  • What administrative support is available for recruiters? It is not recommended that highly paid and talented recruiters undertake routine low-skill based tasks which again is not cost-effective.
  • What systems and tools do you have? Are they effective?
  • Do recruiters get involved with line managers and staff meetings?
  • Are your internal recruiters challenged and compensated well?
  • Do internal recruiters have adequate training and overall knowledge of the company?
  • Are you managing internal recruiters by objectives and SMART goals?

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