Christmas Parties – Office Policy
Christmas parties are a great opportunity to show your appreciation. But you must be careful to limit your risk

British Employees ‘Better Then Their Bosses’, Survey Says
Some British employers may want to think about making a few changes to their general business practices - not to…

Recruitment of Digital Champions a Surging Success
A drive to recruit computer-savvy volunteers to help get more people online has seen more than 100,000 people come forward. The…

Jobseekers’ ‘NetRep’ Could Harm Chances of Finding A Job
With the vast majority of employers turning to online recruitment processes and social media sites in a bid to find…

Direct Sales Recruitment Helping Job Seekers
Direct-selling companies such as the Avon cosmetics brand is helping people who are struggling to find full-time employment keep some…

Oil and Gas Recruitment Surges
The number of people seeking jobs within the oil and gas industry has climbed sharply over the last few months. …

Ramsay Launches Recruitment Programme for Unemployed
The company behind celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay's empire has launched a new recruitment partnership that will focus on helping the…

Full Benefits Package Must Be Revealed During Recruitment Process
Companies looking to recruit new personnel are being advised to make the full employment package clear to potential employees, some…

Job Hunters Not Making Use of Social Media
According to the latest Kelly Global Workforce Index, whilst people are increasingly turning to online recruitment, many are not making…

Mobile Recruitment to Take Off in Coming Year
The role of smartphones in electronic and online recruitment is likely to develop into creating an "emotional" attachment to employer…

PwC Graduate Recruitment Highest Ever
PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accountancy firm, has recruited its highest ever number of graduates this month. The firm has taken on 209 graduates…

UK Undergoing ‘Two-Speed’ Recruitment Revolution
Recruitment in the UK has developed into a 'two-speed' market, according to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC).