A woman’s work is never done and it looks as the though the pay it commands will, in the future, be even less!
Whilst there is no doubt public sector redundancies will affect both sexes online recruitment specialist, Recruitment Genius, reckons it will be the fairer sex which is hit the hardest. Around two-thirds of public sector employees are women. Using a simple ratio this could mean that 395,000 of the planned 490,000 redundancies will affect women. Similarly public sector workers have previously enjoyed more flexible working practices and childcare benefits than what is traditionally offered by the private sector. Finding alternative employment with similar benefits is likely to be a difficult task for women affected by the cuts; particularly as the current economic climate is forcing employers to cut back even further on employee benefits.
These problems will be further exacerbated by the upcoming changes to childcare benefit. Traditionally paid to the mother public sector working mums are likely to see their income cut all round!
According to the 2009 Wage Report, in terms of gross pay the average monthly salary for women was 24 per cent less than their male, public sector counterpart so these cuts and their implications come as a further blow to women. A woman’s work is never done and it looks as the though the pay it commands will, in the future, be even less!
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