Nearly one in four us return from holiday feeling more stressed than before they left, a survey by Nationwide Building Society shows.
So how can you help your staff beat the post holiday blues so that their transition from beach to desk is smooth sailing?
Here are our top 10 tips:
1. Don’t flood them with too much work, as it might be a little overwhelming. They’ve been away for a few days so you naturally have a lot of work you would like them to get started on but allow your member of staff to settle down first.
2. Look into holding mini social events as a welcome back treat. Friday drinks or a pizza party for lunch is always a great way to lighten the mood so hopefully that should cheer them up. Make their first day back something to look forward too rather than them getting put off by the idea of being drowned with emails.
3. Allow them to take short tea breaks to help them concentrate. Their concentration will probably be all over the place as they have been out of ‘work mode’ for a couple of days.
4. Ask a member of staff to regularly check the person’s emails almost everyone hates returning to a full inbox.
5.Watch out for signs, as the post holiday blues might be more serious than expected. Check for signs like; frequent lateness, absences from work, withdrawal from colleagues, change in personality and increased errors. If you notice any of these traits within the first four weeks of them returning then have a chat with them they could be depressed or perhaps they need to work from home for a few days to show up refreshed and ready for action when they return to the office.
6. Inform your staff of overseas company benefits. For example staff might be entitled to15% off Starbucks or 10% off Hilton Hotels for example. The survey revealed that holiday goers were most likely to worry about over spending.
7. Reiterate to remote workers that you’re available whenever you need them. Remote workers might struggle the most to get back into the swing of things as, although they are in the comfort of their home, they might feel a bit lonely and put off by the four walls. Give them a call, find out how their holiday went, what they got up to etc.
8. Dedicate an hour of music from the country they visited. This will create the feel of them still being away on holiday Be warned, it’s your call as it might bring on the waterworks so analysis how they are feeling on their first day back.
9. Get them to work on a new project rather than an old task. They might find it mundane and want that excitement they had whilst on holiday. By getting them to work on something new they might be more engaged.
10. Take ten minutes to catch up and update them. Updating your staff is very important especially when they’ve just come back from holiday. I’m sure you know that feeling before you came a MD when you took a day off work sick, came back in the next day and felt like so much had happened since you were last in. Well, that’s exactly how they are feeling. Take ten minutes to inform them on what changes have happened whilst they’ve been away. By doing this, they won’t feel lost on their first day back.
The post-holiday blues can be difficult to combat, but if you work with your employees, then were sure you will get them into the swing of things in no time!
What are you doing to help your staff to get over their holiday blues?
Share in the comment box below.
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